Learn how to collect data and incorporate lingering ash detection into management strategies

Although emerald ash borer (EAB) often kills the vast majority of the mature native ash trees that it encounters in the Northeast, a very small percentage of the trees that it attacks not only survive, but remain healthy years after the vast majority of nearby trees have been killed. These trees, which have been found for every widespread Northeastern ash species, are known as “lingering ash” and provide hope because some have EAB resistance that can be used to breed highly resistant trees.

The Ecological Research Institute (ERI) has developed the Monitoring and Managing Ash (MaMA) program, which facilitates the detection of lingering ash through 1) data collection projects that determine where and when to search for lingering ash and also enable reporting of any lingering ash found; and 2) integrating lingering ash detection into ash management.

In the workshop, you will learn about how you can participate in MaMA’s citizen-scientist and land-manager-based research projects and also how to incorporate lingering ash detection into ash/EAB management. This free workshop will include hands-on training in all of MaMA’s research projects, including setting up a plot for the MaMA Monitoring Plots Network. ERI is handling registrations so, if you have any questions about the workshop, please email outreach@MonitoringAsh.org.

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